- Drop cables
- Optical fibers
- Special cables
- Armoured outdoor
cables - Armoured outdoor
double jacket cables - Armoured universal
cables - Central loose tube
outdoor cables - Central loose tube
universal cables - Flexible Breakout
Cable - Hybrid Copper-Fiber
Multitube Cable - Indoor and universal
tight buffered cables - Microcables for air
blowing - Multitube outdoor
cables - Multitube outdoor
cables double jacket - Multitube outdoor
gel-filled cables - Multitube universal
cables - Multitube universal
cables with kevlar - Self supporting cables
- Indoor Distribution Cables -
Data Centre Cable - Multitube outdoor glass
yarn armoured cables
FTTx Drop Cable 1F
Rev. 0023-20/11
The cable is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Cable is for a wide range of applications in FTTx networks.
FTTx Drop Cable 2F
Rev. 00142-20/11
The cable is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Cable is for a wide range of applications in FTTx networks.
FTTx Drop Cable 4F
Rev. 00143-20/11
The cable is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Cable is for a wide range of applications in FTTx networks.
FTTx Drop Cable – mini
Rev. 0024-21/20
The cable is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Cable is for a wide range of applications in FTTx networks.
FTTx Universal Cable
Rev. 0034-23/08
Universal cable for plenum and riser FTTx application, suitable for use as self-supporting cable.
Aerial FTTx Universal Cable TPU
Rev. 0091-22/04
Universal cable for aerial use or plenum and riser FTTx application
FTTx Flat Drop Cable (FRP)
Rev. 0096-21/11
Easy-strippable Access Cable for simple installation.
Pushable Drop Cable
The cable is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Cable is lightweight with higher stiffness and minimized diameter for using a wide range of applications in FTTx network cable is suitable for installation by pushing.
FTTx Flat Aerial Drop Cable
Rev. 00206-20/47
Easy-strippable Access Cable for indoor or outdoor aerial installation.
Round Drop Cable
Universal cable for horizontal and vertical installation in buildings and for outdoor applications in FTTx networks
Highly Durable Hybrid Cable
Multimode Fiber OM2
Multimode Fiber OM2+
Multimode Fiber OM3
Multimode Fiber OM5
Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Single Mode Fiber G.656
Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Single Mode Fiber G.655.D
Single Mode Fiber G.657.B3
Single Mode Fiber G.657.A2
Single Mode Fiber G.657.A1 200µm
Single Mode Fiber G.657.A1
Single Mode Fiber G.652.D
Multimode Fiber OM4
Highly Durable Hybrid Cable
Rev. 0201-23/03
Highly durable flexible cable for applications where there is a requirement for data communication by fiber optic and at the same time is needed power supply. Suitable for FTTA applications, CCTV systems or for connections of movable equipment.
Invisible Cable
Rev. 0203-20/49
Cable with reduced visibility in normal environments. During the normal observation is cable undetectable and does not disturb the appearance of the room where it is installed.
Furcation Tubing
Rev. 0204-20/46
Furcation Tubing adds protection where they are used 250 µm fibres.
FTTA Cable
Rev. 0212-21/06
Cable for vertical cabling in FTTA applications.
Fire Resistant Distribution cable
Rev. 0209-22/18
The cable is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Cable is possible installing as connection between building or distribution boxes in ducts or as riser cable in places where is required functionality in the fire.
Hybrid Cable 2F + 2x CuSn
Rev. 0025-21/33
Cable for applications where there is a requirement for data communication by fiber optic and at the same time is needed power supply. Suitable for FTTA applications and CCTV systems.
Outdoor Sensitive Star Detection Cable
Rev. 0280-22/36
Special fiber optic cable for Acoustic Sensing System. Suitable for installation on the fence and directly into the ground.
Outdoor FRP armoured Unitube Cable
Full dielectric self-supporting armoured Fibre Optic Cable with a high degree of protection against rodents for direct laying into the ground, aerial installation or pulling into ducts..
Outdoor CST+SW armoured Uni-tube Cable (GC)
Rev. 0182-20/50
Fiber optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST armoured Premise Distribution Cable
Outdoor sub-unitized cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST armoured Unitube Cable (GC)
Rev. 0028-23/02
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 12F (HC)
Rev. 0035-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 48F (HC)
Rev. 0055-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 60F (HC)
Rev. 0056-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 72F (HC)
Rev. 0057-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 144F (HC)
Rev. 0059-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 12F (SC)
Rev. 0080-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 24F (SC)
Rev. 0081-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 48F (SC)
Rev. 0082-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 60F (SC)
Rev. 0083-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 72F (SC)
Rev. 0084-20/032
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 96F (SC)
Rev. 0085-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 144F (SC)
Rev. 0086-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable 288F (HC)
Rev. 0184-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST armoured Unitube Cable – Double Jacket (GC)
Rev. 0040-20/48
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor Double CST armoured Unitube Cable (GC)
Rev. 0231-21/49
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 12F (HC)
Rev. 0164-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 24F (HC)
Rev. 0165-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 48F (HC)
Rev. 0166-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 60F (HC)
Rev. 0167-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 72F (HC)
Rev. 0168-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 96F (HC)
Rev. 0169-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 144F (HC)
Rev. 0170-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 192F (HC)
Rev. 0220-21/18
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor CST Armoured Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 288F (HC)
Rev. 0171-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Indoor/Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 12F (HC)
Rev. 0060-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Indoor/Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 24F (HC)
Rev. 0061-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Indoor/Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 48F (HC)
Rev. 0062-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Indoor/ Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 60F (HC)
Rev. 0063-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Indoor/Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 72F (HC)
Rev. 0064-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Indoor/Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 96F (HC)
Rev. 0197-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Indoor/Outdoor CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 144F (HC)
Rev. 0065-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Universal CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 12F (SC)
Rev. 0073-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Universal CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 24F (SC)
Rev. 0074-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Universal CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 48F (SC)
Rev. 0075-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Universal CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 60F (SC)
Rev. 0076-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Universal CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 72F (SC)
Rev. 0077-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Universal CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 96F (SC)
Rev. 0078-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Universal CST Armoured Multi-tube Cable 144F (SC)
Rev. 0079-20/32
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Universal CST armoured Unitube Cable - Double Jacket (GC)
Rev. 0288-21/30
Indoor/Outdoor Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Universal CST armoured Unitube Cable (GC)
Rev: 0027-23/02
Fibre optic cable with full protection against rodents for direct burial installation.
Outdoor glass yarn protected Unitube Cable (BT)
Rev. 0018-23/09
Outdoor fiber optic cable for installing into cable ducts.
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Unitube Cable (IC) 2500N
Rev. 0094-23/10
Outdoor fiber optic cable for installing into cable ducts.
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Unitube Cable (BT) 3100N
Rev. 0095-23/10
Outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids.
Universal glass yarn protected Unitube Cable (BT) 1200N
Rev. 0022-23/08
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installing into ducts or on grids.
Universal glass yarn protected Unitube Cable (IC) 1200N
Rev. 0038-23/08
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installing into ducts or on grids.
Universal glass yarn armoured Unitube Cable (IC) 2500N
Indoor or outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids
Universal glass yarn armoured Unitube Cable (BT) 3100N
Rev. 0093-23/08
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids.
Universal glass yarn protected Unitube Cable (GC) 1000N
Rev. 0202-23/05
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installing into ducts or on grids.
Universal glass yarn armoured Unitube Cable (SC) 2500N
Rev. 0213-23/08
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids.
Universal Unitube Cable (SC-GSH) 900N
Rev. 0229-23/05
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installing into ducts or on grids
Universal Unitube Cable (GC-GSH) 1100N
Rev. 0230-23/05
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installing into ducts or on grids.
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Unitube Cable (IC) 2500N
Rev. 0094-23/04
Outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids
Flexible Breakout Cable 2F
Rev. 0214-21/08
Universal Cable for backbone cabling in indoor and outdoor applications with improved flexibility.
Flexible Breakout Cable 4F
Rev. 0215-21/08
Universal Cable for backbone cabling in indoor and outdoor applications with improved flexibility.
Flexible Breakout Cable 6F
Rev. 0216-21/08
Universal Cable for backbone cabling in indoor and outdoor applications with improved flexibility.
Flexible Breakout Cable 8F
Rev. 0217-21/08
Universal Cable for backbone cabling in indoor and outdoor applications with improved flexibility.
Flexible Breakout Cable 12F
Rev. 0218-21/08
Universal Cable for backbone cabling in indoor and outdoor applications with improved flexibility.
Flexible Breakout Cable 24F
Rev. 0267-22/19
Universal Cable for backbone cabling in indoor and outdoor applications with improved flexibility.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 48F+2×0,75 (NC)
Rev. 0238-22/03
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 24F+4×0,75 (NC)
Rev. 0237-21/50
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 24F+2×0,75 (NC)
Rev. 0236-21/42
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 12F+4×0,75 (NC)
Rev. 0235-21/50
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 12F+2×0,75 (NC)
Rev. 0234-21/50
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 48F+4×0,75 (NC)
Rev. 0239-21/50
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 12F+2×1.5 (HC)
Rev. 0242-21/50
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 12F+4×1.5 (HC)
Rev. 0243-21/50
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 24F+2×1.5 (HC)
Rev. 0244-21/50
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 24F+4×1.5 (HC)
Rev. 0245-21/50
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 48F+2×1.5 (HC)
Rev. 0246-22/03
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 48F+4×1.5 (HC)
Rev. 0247-21/50
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 48F+4×2.5 (IC)
Rev. 0253-22/02
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 12F+2×2,5 (IC)
Rev. 0248-22/02
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 12F+4×2,5 (IC)
Rev. 0249-22/02
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 24F+2×2.5 (IC)
Rev. 0250-22/02
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 24F+4×2.5 (IC)
Rev. 0251-22/02
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Outdoor Hybrid Copper-Fiber Multitube Cable 48F+2×2.5 (IC)
Rev. 0252-22/02
Hybrid copper/fiber cable allows to power devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) and at the same time data transmission via optical fibers in one cable.
Zipcord Cable
Rev. 0036-20/26
For indoor general purpose, e.g. patch cords, office LAN connections or point-to-point interconnection
Quadplex Cable
Rev. 0037-22/04
For indoor general purpose, e.g. patch cords, office LAN connections or point-to-point interconnection
Buffered optical fibres
Rev. 0087-23/13
500 μm FR-LSHF tight buffer (Code T5)
600 μm FR-LSHF tight buffer (Code T6)
900 μm FR-LSHF tight buffer (Code F9 or T9)
600 μm Acrylate tight buffer (Code A6)
900 μm Acrylate tight buffer (Code A9)
900 μm Acrylate tight buffer (Code D9)
900 μm Polyamide tight buffer (Code N9)
Universal Breakout Cable – Double Jacket 2F
Rev. 0098-22/28
Durable Universal Cable for indoor and outdoor applications, for plenum and riser installations.
Universal Breakout Cable – Double Jacket 4F
Rev. 0097-22/28
Durable Universal Cable for indoor and outdoor applications, for plenum and riser installations.
Universal Breakout Cable – Double Jacket 6F
Rev. 0099-22/28
Durable Universal Cable for indoor and outdoor applications, for plenum and riser installations.
Universal Breakout Cable – Double Jacket 8F
Rev. 0100-22/04
Durable Universal Cable for indoor and outdoor applications, for plenum and riser installations.
Universal Breakout Cable – Double Jacket 12F
Rev. 0101-22/04
Durable Universal Cable for indoor and outdoor applications, for plenum and riser installations.
Universal Breakout Cable – Double Jacket 24F
Rev. 00102-22/28
Durable Universal Cable for indoor and outdoor applications, for plenum and riser installations.
Simplex Cable
Rev. 0183-23/05
For general purpose, e.g. patch cords, office LAN connections or point-to-point interconnection.
Round Duplex Cable
Rev. 0185-21/40
For indoor general purpose, e.g. patch cords, office LAN connections or point-to-point interconnection. Ideal for Uniboot Duplex Patch Cable.
Indoor Breakout Cable 18F
Rev. 0193-20/26
For intra-building backbone cabling, suitable for plenum and riser installations.
Flat Twin Cable
Rev. 0186-21/38
For indoor general purpose, e.g. patch cords, office LAN connections or point-to-point interconnection.
Indoor Breakout Cable 2F
Rev. 0187-20/26
For intra-building backbone cabling, suitable for plenum and riser installations.
Indoor Breakout Cable 4F
Rev. 0188-20/26
For intra-building backbone cabling, suitable for plenum and riser installations.
Indoor Breakout Cable 6F
Rev. 0189-20/26
For intra-building backbone cabling, suitable for plenum and riser installations.
Indoor Breakout Cable 8F
Rev. 0190-20/26
For intra-building backbone cabling, suitable for plenum and riser installations.
Indoor Breakout Cable 12F
Rev. 0191-20/26
For intra-building backbone cabling, suitable for plenum and riser installations.
Indoor Breakout Cable 16F
Rev. 0192-20/26
For intra-building backbone cabling, suitable for plenum and riser installations.
Indoor Breakout Cable 24F
Rev. 0194-20/26
For intra-building backbone cabling, suitable for plenum and riser installations.
Indoor Breakout Cable 36F
Rev. 0195-20/26
For intra-building backbone cabling, suitable for plenum and riser installations.
Universal Distribution Cable
Rev. 0207-21/08
Indoor / Outdoor Cable for inter-building and intra-building backbone cabling
Premise Distribution Cable
Indoor / Outdoor lightweight sub-unitized cable for inter-building and intra-building backbone cabling.
Quad-duplex Cable
Rev. 0259-22/20
For indoor general purpose, e.g. patch cords, office LAN connections or point-to-point interconnection
Duplex Zipcord Cable
Rev. 0036-23/05
For indoor general purpose, e.g. patch cords, office LAN connections or point-to-point interconnection
Air Blown Unit 1.6
Rev. 0089-22/07
Lightweight cable with a hard and smooth surface, suitable for installation by blowing technique
Air Blown Unit 2.0
Rev. 0090-22/07
Lightweight cable with a hard and smooth surface, suitable for installation by blowing technique
Air Blown Unit 2.4
Rev. 0258-22/13
Lightweight cable with a hard and smooth surface, suitable for installation by blowing technique.
Air Blown Unit 2.8
Rev. 0255-22/06
Lightweight cable with a hard and smooth surface, suitable for installation by blowing technique.
Outdoor Unitube Micro Cable (CC)
Rev. 0219-21/32
Microcable for installation by blowing technique
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 12F (CC)
Rev. 0042-19/51
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 24F (CC)
Rev. 0043-19/51
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 48F (CC)
Rev. 0044-20/43
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 60F (CC)
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 72F (CC)
Rev. 0046-19/51
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 192F (CC)
Rev. 0049-20/43
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 96F (CC)
Rev. 0047-19/51
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 144F (CC)
Rev. 0048-19/51
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 216F (CC)
Rev. 0050-19/50
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 288F (CC)
Rev. 0041-20/17
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 432F (CC)
Rev. 0051-19/50
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multitube Micro Cable 48F (RD)
Rev. 0199-21/44
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 72F (RD)
Rev. 0052-21/30
Reduced diameter cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 96F (RD)
Rev. 0053-21/30
Reduced diameter cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multitube Micro Cable 144F (NC)
Rev. 0021-21/41
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multitube Micro Cable 288F (RD)
Rev. 0196-20/17
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multitube Micro Cable 192F (NC)
Rev. 0172-20/43
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multitube Micro Cable 432F (NC)
Rev. 0173-20/17
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multitube Micro Cable PA 48F (RD)
Rev. 0240-21/44
Cable with polyamide PA12 jacket for installation by air-blowing technique.
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 36F (CC)
Rev. 0257-22/09
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique
Outdoor Multitube Micro Cable 192F (RD)
Rev. 0279-22/25
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 144F (RD)
Rev. 0276-22/27
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique
Outdoor Multitube Cable 12F (HC)
Rev. 0026-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 24F (HC)
Rev. 0122-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Outdoor Multitube Cable 48F (HC)
Rev. 0123-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Outdoor Multitube Cable 60F (HC)
Rev. 0124-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 72F (HC)
Rev. 0125-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Outdoor Multitube Cable 96F (HC)
Rev. 0126-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Outdoor Multitube Cable 144F (HC)
Rev. 0127-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Outdoor Multitube Cable 192F (HC)
Rev. 0128-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Outdoor Multitube Cable 216F (HC)
Rev. 0129-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Outdoor Multitube Cable 288F (HC)
Rev. 0130-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Outdoor Multitube Cable 432F (HC)
Rev. 0131-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Outdoor Multitube Cable 12F (NC)
Rev. 0144-21/35
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 24F (NC)
Rev. 0145-21/35
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 48F (NC)
Rev. 0146-21/35
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 60F (NC)
Rev. 0147-21/35
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 72F (NC)
Rev. 0032-21/35
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 96F (NC)
Rev. 0148-21/35
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 144F (NC)
Rev. 0149-21/35
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 288F (NC)
Rev. 0150-21/35
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 12F (SC)
Rev. 0116-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 24F (SC)
Rev. 0117-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 36F (SC)
Rev. 0200-20/33
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 48F (SC)
Rev. 0118-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multi-tube Micro Cable 36F (3RD)
Rev. 0275-22/22
Cable for external installation by air-blowing technique
Outdoor Multitube Cable 60F (SC)
Rev. 0119-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 72F (SC)
Rev. 0033-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 96F (SC)
Rev. 0120-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable 144F (SC)
Rev. 0121-21/05
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Lite 12F (NC)
Rev. 0260-22/34
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Lite 24F (NC)
Rev. 0261-22/34
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Lite 48F (NC)
Rev. 0262-22/34
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Lite 60F (NC)
Rev. 0263-22/34
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Lite 72F (NC)
Rev. 0264-22/34
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Lite 96F (NC)
Rev. 0266-22/34
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Lite 144F (NC)
Rev. 0266-22/34
Full dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 12F (SC)
Rev. 0103-20/09
Durable full dielectric cable with enhanced crush and impact resistance for external installations
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 24F (SC)
Rev. 0104-20/09
Durable full dielectric cable with enhanced crush and impact resistance for external installations
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 48F (SC)
Rev. 0105-20/09
Durable full dielectric cable with enhanced crush and impact resistance for external installations
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 60F (SC)
Rev. 0106-20/09
Durable full dielectric cable with enhanced crush and impact resistance for external installations
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 72F (SC)
Rev. 0107-20/09
Durable full dielectric cable with enhanced crush and impact resistance for external installations
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 96F (SC)
Rev. 0108-20/09
Durable full dielectric cable with enhanced crush and impact resistance for external installations
Outdoor Multitube Cable-Double Jacket 144F (SC)
Rev. 0109-20/09
Durable full dielectric cable with enhanced crush and impact resistance for external installations
Outdoor Gel-Filled Multitube Cable 12F (HC)
Rev. 0174-22/38
Fully dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling, space between the tubes is filled by gel
Outdoor Gel-Filled Multitube Cable 24F (HC)
Rev. 0176-22/38
Fully dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling, space between the tubes is filled by gel
Outdoor Gel-Filled Multitube Cable 48F (HC)
Rev. 0177-22/38
Fully dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling, space between the tubes is filled by gel
Outdoor Gel-Filled Multitube Cable 60F (HC)
Rev. 0178-20/23
Fully dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling, space between the tubes is filled by gel
Outdoor Gel-Filled Multitube Cable 72F (HC)
Rev. 0179-22/38
Fully dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling, space between the tubes is filled by gel
Outdoor Gel-Filled Multitube Cable 96F (HC)
Rev. 0180-22/38
Fully dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling, space between the tubes is filled by gel
Outdoor Gel-Filled Multitube Cable 144F (HC)
Rev. 0181-22/38
Fully dielectric cable for external installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling, space between the tubes is filled by gel
Universal Multitube Cable 12F (SC)
Rev. 0030-20/23
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installation onto grids or into ducts.
Universal Multitube Cable 24F (SC)
Rev. 0110-20/23
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installation onto grids or into ducts.
Universal Multitube Cable 48F (SC)
Rev. 0111-20/23
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installation onto grids or into ducts.
Universal Multitube Cable 60F (SC)
Rev. 0112-20/23
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installation onto grids or into ducts.
Universal Multitube Cable 72F (SC)
Rev. 0113-20/23
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installation onto grids or into ducts.
Universal Multitube Cable 96F (SC)
Rev. 0114-20/23
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installation onto grids or into ducts.
Universal Multitube Cable 144F (SC)
Rev. 0115-20/23
Indoor/Outdoor fiber optic cable for installation onto grids or into ducts.
Universal Multitube Cable 12F (HC)
Rev. 0029-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 24F (HC)
Rev. 0132-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 48F (HC)
Rev. 0133-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 60F (HC)
Rev. 0134-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Universal Multitube Cable 144F (HC)
Rev. 0137-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 96F (HC)
Rev. 0136-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 72F (HC)
Rev. 0135-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 144F (HC)
Rev. 0137-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 192F (HC)
Rev. 0138-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 216F (HC)
Rev. 0139-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Universal Multitube Cable 288F (HC)
Rev. 0140-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Universal Multitube Cable 432F (HC)
Rev. 0141-20/23
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 12F (NC)
Rev. 0031-22/32
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 24F (NC)
Rev. 0151-22/32
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Universal Multitube Cable 48F (NC)
Rev. 0152-22/32
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Universal Multitube Cable 60F (NC)
Rev. 0153-22/32
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Universal Multitube Cable 72F (NC)
Rev. 0154-22/32
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Universal Multitube Cable 96F (NC)
Rev. 0155-22/32
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Universal glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 48F (NC)
Rev. 0223-21/20
Durable dielectric fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for external or internal installation into ducts or on grids
Universal glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 24F (NC)
Rev. 0222-21/20
Durable dielectric fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for external or internal installation into ducts or on grids
Universal glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 12F (NC)
Rev. 0221-21/20
Durable dielectric fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for external or internal installation into ducts or on grids
Universal Multitube Cable 144F (NC)
Rev. 0156-22/32
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling.
Universal glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 60F (NC)
Rev. 0224-21/20
Durable dielectric fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for external or internal installation into ducts or on grids
Universal glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 72F (NC)
Rev. 0225-21/20
Durable dielectric fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for external or internal installation into ducts or on grids.
Universal glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 96F (NC)
Rev. 0226-21/20
Durable dielectric fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for external or internal installation into ducts or on grids
Universal glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 144F (NC)
Rev. 0227-21/20
Durable dielectric fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for external or internal installation into ducts or on grids
Universal (Indoor/Outdoor) Multitube Cable-Lite 144F (NC)
Rev. 0274-22/37
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal (Indoor/Outdoor) Multitube Cable-Lite 12F (NC)
Rev. 0268-22/37
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal (Indoor/Outdoor) Multitube Cable-Lite 24F (NC)
Rev. 0269-22/37
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal (Indoor/Outdoor) Multitube Cable-Lite 48F (NC)
Rev. 0270-22/37
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal (Indoor/Outdoor) Multitube Cable-Lite 60F (NC)
Rev. 0271-22/37
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal (Indoor/Outdoor) Multitube Cable-Lite 72F (NC)
Rev. 0272-22/37
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal (Indoor/Outdoor) Multitube Cable-Lite 96F (NC)
Rev. 0273-22/37
Full dielectric cable for external or internal installation on cable trays or into duct by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 12F (NC) with Kevlar
Rev. 0066-21/03
Fiber optic cable for indoor or outdoor installation onto grids or into ducts by pulling
Universal Multi-Tube Cable 24F (NC) with Kevlar
Rev. 0067-21/03
Fiber optic cable for indoor or outdoor installation onto grids or into ducts by pulling
Universal Multi-Tube Cable 48F (NC) with Kevlar
Rev. 0068-21/03
Fiber optic cable for indoor or outdoor installation onto grids or into ducts by pulling
Universal Multi-Tube Cable 60F (NC) with Kevlar
Rev. 0069-21/03
Fiber optic cable for indoor or outdoor installation onto grids or into ducts by pulling
Universal Multi-Tube Cable 72F (NC) with Kevlar
Rev. 0070-21/03
Fiber optic cable for indoor or outdoor installation onto grids or into ducts by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 96F (NC) with Kevlar
Rev. 0071-21/03
Fiber optic cable for indoor or outdoor installation onto grids or into ducts by pulling
Universal Multitube Cable 144F (NC) with Kevlar
Rev. 0072-21/03
Fiber optic cable for indoor or outdoor installation onto grids or into ducts by pulling
ADSS Flat Cable
The cable is suitable for aerial use, due to its high crush resistance is also suitable for direct burial installation into sand bed.
Outdoor FRP armoured Unitube Cable
Full dielectric self-supporting armoured Fibre Optic Cable with a high degree of protection against rodents for direct laying into the ground, aerial installation or pulling into ducts.
ADSS Flat Cable SC 24F
Rev. 0233-21/37
The cable is suitable for aerial use, due to its high crush resistance is also suitable for direct burial installation into sand bed.
ADSS Flat Cable GC 48F
Rev. 0241-21/49
The cable is suitable for aerial use.
Rev. 0295-22/44
All dielectric self-supporting (ADSS) cable for overhead installations
Rev. 0296-22/44
All dielectric self-supporting (ADSS) cable for overhead installations
Data Center Cable 96F (6×16F) - DOS Data Center Cable System
Data Center Cable 96F (6×16F)
Indoor Distribution Cable for Data Center Cable Systems
Rev. 0301-23/03
Designed for DOS® Data Center Cable System
Data Center Cable 96F (8×12F) - DOS Data Center Cable System
Data Center Cable 96F (8×12F)
Indoor Distribution Cable for Data Center Cable Systems
Rev. 0302-23/02
Designed for DOS® Data Center Cable System
DOS – SN-MT16 - Data Center Cable
These requirements are met by the modular concept of the OPTOKON DOS cabling system. The system is based on factory prepared modules, preterminated cables, which significantly reduce the volume of installation work during construction and facilitate the fault clearence during operation.
The DOS - SN-MT16 cabling system is based on multi-fiber connector technology. The newly developed multi-fiber connectors SN-MT16 are designed to terminate 16 fiber cables. The use of trunk cables with these connectors eliminates the need for splicing in optical cabinets, speeds up installation and ensures system modularity.
Basically, the design of a cable with 96 fibers was chosen, 16 fibers are stored in 6 tubes.
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 12F (NC)
Rev. 0157-22/07
Durable outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 24F (NC)
Rev. 0158-22/07
Durable outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 48F (NC)
Rev. 0159-22/07
Durable outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 60F (NC)
Rev. 0160-22/07
Durable outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 72F (NC)
Rev. 0161-22/07
Durable outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 96F (NC)
Rev. 0162-22/07
Durable outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids
Outdoor glass yarn armoured Multitube Cable 144F (NC)
Rev. 0163-22/07
Durable outdoor fiber optic cable with a higher level of protection against rodents for installing into ducts or on grids